Oregon Coast Day 3

Here is day 3 of our trip. On Tuesday we woke up to fog. It was the day that we had decided to drive to Newport for the day. We wanted to get to the tide pool at the lighthouse at low tide, but I had the time wrong and we missed low tide. That didn't stop us from scouring the beach. There was several large rocks just out in the ocean not far from the beach.

Several of these were covered in birds, the looked alot like penquins, but I think they were Mures.

One of the large rock were covered with seals.

Yaquina Head Lighthouse is still being lite. They have tours set up and you climb 60 ft into the top of the light house on very narrow spiral stairs. It was really cool to climb up and see the light. There was a tour guide at the top that talked about building the light house, how it evolved through 3 types of kerosene to electricity. This is picture looking up from the beach below the cliffs.

Here we are in the center of the light house waiting our turn to go up.

Looking up through the stairs to the top.
We climbed all the way up, going up wasn't too bad, coming down made you dizzy. This is what the top looked like.
From the lighthouse we went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. We had a great time looking at the sharks, petting the stringrays and baby leopard sharks. They had tide pool that you could touch all the different starfish. Some were hard but there were some that were velvety. They had a "Odd Ball" exhibit going on. It was all kinds of odd looking types of fish and sea life. I took tons of pictures (of course). I'm going to post them all on Shutterfly, and will add the link to this blog. We left the aquarium and stopped to get something to eat. After eating we had a little bit of time to kill before we went back to the tide pool for low tide so we stopped at Agate beach. You are suppose to be able to find agate rocks on this beach, but all we found is tons and tons of dead crabs (crab parts) in the sand. The beach was like sand dunes. Instead of a flat beach it had all these dunes. Some part were packed solid and you stayed on top of them. Other parts we soft and you would sink up to your chins, which made walking hard. Back at the tide pool we had fun with the sea urchins. The girls climbed out on the rocks and found some starfishs. There were mussel beds all over the place, they looked like rocks. When we were finally exhausted from this great day of adventure we headed back to Lincoln City. We lounged at the house until sunset. I ran down to the beach to get some sunset pictures. I know that I've been very long winded about today, but we had a lot of fun today.


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