Theeeerrrreee Back…..

The Balloon rally was this weekend.  I woke up at about 6:40 and decide to run over to Cresent Rim to take pictures.  I was sure that I was late enough that I wouldn’t be able to find a parking place. To my surprise I was ahead of the crowd.  I found an easy place to park and a short walk to the rim. 

This was the jets that did the fly by to start the Rally. IMG_0413

Here are they are starting to take off.


And they’re off….


View of the whole field starting to go.IMG_0437

Caught this picture from my car when I was getting in it to leave.IMG_0456

I decided to keep my camera turned on and out on the passenger set as I drove home.  It paid off.  This balloon was sitting in the middle of rode when I got to the light at Protest Hill and Boise Ave.

IMG_0463This one was by the old fire station on the corner of Boise Ave and Broadway. IMG_0464 IMG_0465I got a lot more pictures, so to view them all, go to my Share site to view them.   Click here to go to Mitz Picz

Love you all ~~ Mitzi


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