
Welcome to my journey.

January 13th I started my journey for a healthier me. I wanted a place to document my goals, successes, and struggles so I thought blogging about them might be a great place to start. I'm not a writer so this might not be well written or entertaining, but it is a place for me to speak my heart.

So here goes............

This was week on on the medifast plan. In December a co-worker who used to attend weight watchers with me when we had an 'at work' program recently become a health coach for "Take Shape for Life". She approached me about this program that she has had great success with, and she looked amazing. She said it was very easy to follow, no counting calories or points, just eat 5 medifast meals and 1 lean & green meal a day. Simple.......

I did some reach and tried her samples of the meals and decided to give it a go. I told myself I would give it a month and see how it goes. I ordered my food so that it was here when we got back from Hawaii. I was already to start on Monday 1/14/13.

Monday - Weight in: 221 lbs..

Well, I have one word to describe this week ~~ HUNGRY~~it was a very very hard week......... Basically you get about 800 calories a day. The foods not bad, but you just don't get anything to eat. I've let my fingers do some work this week and I have read several blogs from people on the program (which is part of the reason I decided to document this journey) and they all have indicated that it gets better. It's was referred to as a medifast detox. The hungry will go away and the energy levels will increase. Friday was probably the worst day, Saturday and Sunday have been better. Tomorrow is weigh in day, so I'll post my progress then.

I'm going to post some goals. I'm not going to put a time on them just a reward to celebrate the small successes along the way.

  • Final Goal weight: 155 lbs..
  • Total weight to loss: 66 lbs..
  • First goal: lose 10 lbs. (211) Reward: buy a new purse
  • Second goal: lose 12 lbs. (199) Reward: treat myself to a new outfit
  • Third goal: lose 12 lbs. (187) Reward: (to be determined)
  • Fourth goal: lose 12 lbs. (175) Reward: (to be determined)
  • Fifth goal: lose 10 lbs. (165) Reward: (to be determined)
  • Final goal: lose 10 lbs. (155) Reward: (to be determined)

Here is my before picture taken in Hawaii.







Thanks to everyone for your love and support.

Love you all ~~ Mitzi


Gerri said…
Good Luck Mitzi! Francie has lost 50 lbs on this plan and she loves it! Works perfect for her.

You can do it! Can't wait to follow your progress!

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