Schools and beaches

Tori and I made our trip to Oregon to look at schools. We drove to Eugene on Saturday, and it was a long and uneventful drive (thank goodness). We checked into our hotel around 4:00pm. We had driven around University of Oregon a little bit before we found out hotel. We decided to find the mall and do some shopping. It felt soooo good to walk around after sitting in the car for 6 hours. Believe it or not... we found a prom dress and at a reasonable rate. Tori was so excited.

On Sunday we headed to Coos Bay to find Southwestern Oregon Community College. It was about a two hour drive. The weather was rainy when we left Eugene and it was one of those days when the sun would shine for 10 - 15 minutes, then it would rain. SWOCC is very small and since it was their spring break - very quiet.
This is a picture of the quad - it was very pretty. Everything is very green and spring is starting to blossum.
They have their own little lake with a dock.

This is looking back at the campus from the dock.
The lake and the dock are to Tori's right. This is looking back at the building from the dock. Oh, did I tell you that we got caught in a hail storm. We went running for the car.
The housing is all grouped together and looks a lot like apartments. You can easily walk this entire campus in 15 minutes. It was very pretty and I think Tori really liked it, but she admitted that she probably won't go there unless she can talk a friend into going with her.The other extreme was Univerity of Oregon. Apparently they rides bikes to get every where on this campus. We walked about 10 minutes and never left the housing area. So we looked at the directory and drove around the neighbor hoods. These bike racks are all over the place and the are just as full as this one.
I think Tori was pretty overwhelmed with the size of this school and how spread out it is. She commented a coupled of times about getting lost.

We really did have a great time. We actually found the beach and spent a hour walking around. It was cold and windy (typical Oregon beach) but it didn't rain on us.

I posted all of our pictures on my photo journal. See link on the left side.


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