Portland trip day 1

We we made it to Portland safe and sound. It was an uneventful drive (thank God). We didn't have to play so we got to play. This is very very different than soccer trips. Much more relaxed. We stopped in Pendleton for lunch and we were given are Assassin assignments. They play this game "Aassassin". Basically the object of the game is to be the final assassin. You draw a name and your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to kill your target without any one witnessing it. There are rules about safe zone, such as the restroom or shower, restaurants, any building that has a gym. We have dollar store toy dart guns. If you are killed then you give your assassin your target. I drew Brydges. Now... the problem with Brydges is she is NEVER without Ramirez. Unfortunately she had me and was able to kill me before I got her. She had more experience at this game than I did. I want to play again, since I'm much smarter. At the time I'm writing this, Tori is still alive. I'll let you know how it goes.

We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner and it was Georgia's 16th birthday yesterday. Coach picked up a cake and some toys from the store. She gave them to each of the rooms and told the girls to be creative and put together a present for Georgia. They presented them to her at dinner. I was impressed with how creative they were. It was alot of fun. These girls are very entertaining. Georgia was a great sport. I'll bet she never forgets this birthday.

After dinner we went bowling. For being multi-athlete girls they are very poor bowlers. It was encredible funny with them trying to bowl and keep from being assassined. I took a few pictures before we got in trouble for using flashes. The pictures I took without the flash weren't very good. Wellllllllll, it's not letting upload the pictures today, so I'll post them later(probably the wireless at the hotel). We have a game today at 2:15 and 8:40 today. Check in later for more updates on our trip.


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