Health update.

I was surprised to realize that I haven’t posted anything for almost two months.  I was very busy in August helping Tori get moved into her new place and working on getting her projects done.  I’m hoping to post pictures of those some time soon.  Any way, I’m 14 pounds from my goal.  I’m so excited to be so close.  We had our annual health assessment for insurance at work this last week, and I’m proud to say that I blew it out of the water.

I mean way out………….

The only area that I didn’t make was my BMI, which I expected since I’m not at my goal weight but it was only less than 2 points from a “Healthy weight”. 

Blood pressure was 120/78 (they want 120/80).

Cholesterol (bad) was 173 (they want under 200).  Note: last year it was 268  BOOM!!!!

Cholesterol (good) was 49 (they want 50)

Blood Sugar was 86 (they want under 90)

I’m between a size 8 and 10.

Now you are up to date on my progress.  I am just so excited that things are going so well.

Love all the support from friends and family, I could not have done it alone.



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