Aloha and Happy New Year


We are one week away for our Christmas present. As my kids get older, it’s harder and harder to buy for Christmas.  I was so frustrated last year, I felt like I was just buying things for the sake of buying things. Not good!! 

So I made a proposal to the family.  “let’s not buy Christmas presents next year and save our money to take a trip to Hawaii”  They all thought that was a great idea.  So I saved all year.  With Tori’s retail job and school we determined that the best time to go was January. We leave the 6th and will return on the red-eye Saturday the 12th.  Needless to say we are very excited to be going.

I have to be honest and say that it has been really nice this year not to have to stress about buying Christmas presents.  I have given both kids $200.00 for them to spend in Hawaii on anything they want.

We are going to the Big Island, we have rented a condo just outside of Kona, the breach is just across the street., Based on the information we can see the ocean from our lanai.  We don’t have any specific plans, we are just going to take each day as it comes.  We will spend a day to go to the other side of the island to the Volcano park, black sand beach and other sites.  I want to do some snorkeling, eat some seafood and just enjoy the 80 degree tropical weather.  I’ll post pictures when we get back.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I wish and pray that 2013 will be a wonderful year for all.

~Love you all ~~ Mitzi


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