Got to do what I love….

….action photos……..Cayton and Ayden (my nieces boys) played their last spring soccer game today, so I went and took pictures.  This age was very different that taking Pictures at Tori’s.  It was a lot slower paced.  But I still got some good shots.

This is Cayton


Took a little tumble


IMG_0715       IMG_0733

Had to get the tongue


This is Ayden, patiently waiting his turn to play.  Both boys are on the same team.IMG_0726IMG_0739         IMG_0740 IMG_0745         IMG_0752IMG_0775

And the tunnel, I almost forgot about the tunnel.IMG_0812          IMG_0814

Can’t forget the other kids….


And the parents….


It was a fun time.

Love you All ~ Mitzi


Langston Family said…
Love the photos! You're awesome! Can't go too wrong with those cuties though :o) I LOVE your vinyl also, it looks great!!

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