A year in Review ~ 2010

As the year comes to an end I have decided to take a moment and reflect on the past year.  I’ve tried do keep this blog updated this year so you have probably already read about our highlights, so I’m sorry if this is boring but I’ll try to cover things that I haven’t already covered.

Let me start with the baby, Alex.  Al is 17 and a senior at Arts West (a private art school in Eagle, ID).  This is his second year there and although he is struggling a little bit with Senioritis, I think he is still enjoying it.  There for a while he was living with a friend in Eagle so that he would be closer to school, but we finally resolved the car situation and he now has his own transportation, so he’s back home with us.  Not sure what he plans are for college yet but we are just being happy with the small success, such as graduating from high school.  He helped his grandparent this summer with their shaved ice shacks, working events and helping grandpa make sugar water.  He plans on getting some kind of job this summer.  One of his friends that moved to California is moving back and I think they have big plans on getting their own place but it all depends on them both getting jobs.

Tori is into her sophomore year at BSU and still enjoying herself.  She is in Alpha Chi Omega sorority and has the privilege of living in the house this year.  Their house only has room for 5 girls, so you can only live there 1 year.  Once school started she had issues with work schedule at Eddy’s Firewood Dogs, so she was able to get on back at McU’s with the condition that she would work on the retail floor as needed as well as in receiving.  She prefers receiving but is getting more comfortable on the sales floor.  She broke up with her boy friend at the end of school last May and doesn’t have a new one, which is fine with me. She plays intermural soccer with kids from school.  I think her team did pretty well. See keeps pretty busy so I don’t get to see her that much, which I miss, but that’s part of them growing up.  Dang it!

Dana is still working at McU’s and being grateful to still have a job.  Some days he doesn’t like it much, but I think that’s true about every job.  It was a rough year for Dana’s family this year.  We lost his Mother Gerry to cancer this fall and Dana has to help deal with the family issues that arise with handling the estate.  He’s sister Laura found out she has breast and is currently undergoing treatment. As you saw from my early post, he shaved his head in support.  He did have his own check up last week and got a clean bill of health, so we are happy about that.  He still like to spend time on the river in the summer on his fish cat.

Me, well I just completed my 10th year at Supervalu aka Albertsons.  I’m still in IT but managing contractors.  We currently has 1300+ that I’m trying to keep track of, it’s kind of like herding cats.  Very thankful to still have a job.  I’m started playing indoor soccer a couple of years ago and despite the fact that I’m not very good, I’m loving it.  I look forward to our game every week.  It’s a family team and I love playing with Tori.  I keep busy in my spare time taking pictures and doing crafts.  This summer I went to a Green reunion which was a blast.  It was so wonderful to get to see cousins I haven’t seen in years.  Also, made a trip to Lake Tahoe to see my niece Bri get married which was also fabulous. It’s been hard for me this year with trying to deal with my kids growing up and moving out but I’ adjusting.

I’m looking forward to see what wonderful things 2011 has in store for us.

Happy Holidays to Everyone!



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