Confession Time

At the start of January, I made a decision to enter the Humphrey's Diabetic $10,000 weight loss challenge. It runs until June 17th and the women and man who loses the highest percentage weight loss will win $3,000, second place is $1,500 and third place is $500. To stay qualified you need to weigh in once a month. Saturday was my first month's weight in. I was hoping for 10lbs, but I'll take 6.2. If I can get to my goal weight that will be a 28% loss. The lady who won last year had a 31% loss. There were a lot of people that were there to sign up and some were very large so I know I have my work cut out for me, but I love a challenge. So wish me luck and I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
Love you all ~~Mitzi


So do you need a partner? I am needing to lose the rest of my pregnancy weight and then some and would love to have someone to work with. It keeps me motivated! And I know you can do it!!!

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