2009 Jones Tour of Homes

Sunday was our traditional Jones Tour of Homes for year 2009. For those of you that don't know, we have a family tradition that we do on the second Sunday of December. We go around to a select number of families houses and get to see their Christmas decorations. The year it was my turn to plan the event. For the family gift exchange I choose a dessert exchange. We schedule food at every one's house. We started at Darrin's, went to Sharlene's, then Lynn's, our house for the main course, next to last was Ryan's then we finished up at Mom & Dad's. It's always a full day but we have a good time. Enjoy the slide show.

Love you all ~~Mitzi


Gerri said…
Thanks Mitzi! As always, great to see your family. Hope you have a great Christmas!

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