What do you Celebrate ? ? ? ?

As for me, I celebrate family............ I love my family and throughly enjoy spending time with them. Every minute we spend together is precious and valuable. I'm been so blessed to have such a wonderful family.

One of the things we like to do is participate in the Women Fitness Celebration walk. We were missing a few this year, like Jessie, Cheryl, Terri, Mom, Justine, Shayna. Hope you can plan to join us next year. We do have fun.Had two little munchkins to help us walk this year, Bentley and Kaid.Traditionally, we meet the men at IHOP after the walk for breakfast. However, Steve was the only one that could join us this year. This is a picture of one side of the table.
This is what I celebrate ~ Family. What do you Celebrate?
Love you all ~~Mitzi


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