Going PINK~~~~~~~

Last Friday at the BBall game against Mtn View, Boise had a "PINK ZONE" for Breast Cancer. They ask the fans to wear pink. The players had pink warm up shirts, pink shoe laces and pink wrap hairbands. They did a raffle and I missed winning the bike by 4 tickets... Dang I should have bought more...... It was the Lewis's turn for snack bags, so we found these really cute bag and tried to get all snacks that were pink (pink gum, pink lemonade pouchs, pink M&M's, you get the picture). We also got pink lai's that the girls all wore while the watched the JV game. They thought that they would wear them for the warmup until they tried shooting with them at the half of the JV game. They were just so annoying...........
Tonight we played Rocky Mtn. Tori got a lot of playing time tonight and did a great job. Thursday night is SENIOR NIGHT so anyone that wants to come support Tori on her special night is more than welcome. This will be our last home game. We start Districts next week.


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