'Tis the Season....for Saying Thanks

Since this is the time of year that we should be thinking about all the wonderful blessings that god has given us, I would like to take a moment to share a web site that I heard about on the radio and checked it out. It's called "Lets say Thanks". It is sponsored by Xerox and it is a website that you can go to and select a thank you card that you can send to someone in our Armed forces that is in a strange hostile country fighting to protect what we all take for granted every day --Our Freedom. It only take a few second to select your card and your thank you message. They will send to card to someone. I feel very fortunate that I don't have any family members away fight for our freedom, but I truely appreciate all of the soldiers and their families that are willing to put their life on the line so that I can enjoy my life.

I hope everyone that reads this will that the few minute to to click your mouse and let someone in our armed forces know that we love and appreciate all their sacrafices. Click on the picture below. "SAY THANK YOU"


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