Count down to Candy

YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM my favorite!!!!!

We had a ladies craft night at Salena’s last Wednesday night.  There was Jessie, Shawna, Sharlene, Cheryl, Marcie, a friend of Salena’s, Salena and myself {of course} were all there to start getting into the holiday season.  We made these darling “Count down to Candy” advent blocks.  It was a very fun evening.

Here are some pictures of mine.IMG_0483 I deviated a little from some of the others.  I decided to antique my block with Charcoal instead of brown.  Just because Halloween is kind of dark.  Also, I felt that the white numbers weren’t standing our enough, so I outlined them with the Sharpie {My favorite pen}.IMG_0481{Pictures are kind of dark, I need to work on my indoor camera skills.  I have light issues}


Love you all ~~ Mitzi


The Crazy Heads said…
Those look awesome. I need some more Halloween decorations. Good job!

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