Good Read

A week and a half ago, Tori and I went to Barnes & Nobles looking for a book that Tori wanted to read called, Tan Lines, but she didn't know the author. We stopped at the information desk to ask the lady where we might find it, since sometimes finding a book at Barnes & Noble is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Before we could get the name out, the ladies says, "I'll bet your looking for Stephanie Meyer's new book, Breaking Dawn". We said no and ask her about the book we were looking for. However she had peaked my curiosity. While Tori was following the clerk I decided to check out the Stephanie Meyer books. Breaking Dawn is the fourth of a series of books called the Twilight series. Tori said, "Yeah Mom, their making a movie that is coming out in December". Apparently I have my head in the sand because I had never heard of it. About now you are probably laughing at me. I'm not sure how I had missed it before, it's everywhere. I picked up the first book - Twilight, and read the back, it's about vampires. I typically don't like vampire stories but I thought it didn't sound bad, so I decided to give it a go. Let me tell you that there is something intriguing about this book that sucks you in (no pun intended). I have not been able to put it down. I stayed up at night, read every waking minute. Needless to say I had to run out and buy the second, third and fourth book. I read them all in a about 10 days. These as not little books, and I'm not a fast reader. My family has been giving me a really hard time. I don't think my kids have every seen me so glue to a book. So if you are interested in a good read, I would recommend this story.


The Crazy Heads said…
I don't know if you will even realize that I left this comment since you posted it a while ago, but oh well. I have yet to enter that phase. I KNOW I would love it and I know that that is all I would do for a week is read and I simply don't have the time to do it. I am too busy right now with all the kids and getting bigger and feeling crappier that I know it would consume my life and I would become useless. When I have more time, hopefully!
Lewis Family said…
I did see your comment finally. Believe me I understand what you're saying. I know that it totally consumed me for 10 days. My family teased me about it constantly.

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