My winnings.............. I entered in a drawing on How Does She and won $98 worth of colored twine from the Twinery and it came today. Look at how much I got. I'm going to get my creative juices going and come up with a project to use it on. If anyone need some for a project or have any ideas just let me know. I'll share. I think I have a lifetime supply. :) I'm just so excited. Love you all ~~Mitzi
We lost very special person this week. Dana's Mom Gerry Keyes Lewis lost her battle with cancer this week. This picture was take last June at Tori's Graduation party. We are going to miss her but we know that she is in a much happy place enjoy the company of God and all of her family that as preceded her. Just want to say, "We love you, Grandma Gerry". Love you all ~~Mitzi
I finally got my vinyl lettering, so I could complete a couple of projects that I started. This one is a prototype for some Christmas presents I'm going to make for Tori to give to her sorority sisters. I left it for here to put pictures of her sisters in it. I think it turned out very cute. Close up of the lettering. "Alpha Chi Omega Sisters". This one also turned out very cute. I like that you can change out the pictures very easily. I have one more project to finish. I'll post it as soon as it's done. I'm excited to buy myself a Silhouette machine. That is my plan for my Fair money. :) Love you all ~~Mitzi
I know it hard to tell from this picture but he is pretty excited to have gotten his license. When I ask him how come I couldn't get a smile from him for this picture. He showed me the picture on his drivers license and said, "That's enough of a smile for any picture!.............. Now we just have to find him a car. Any one have a cheap beater of a car?!? Love you all ~~Mitzi
On July 29th, Tori and I had the amazing pleasure to go see Lady Antebellum and Tim McGraw concert. Tori took the camera but she didn't make sure the battery was charged, so all we had were our phones. As you can see we got more backlight than Tim. He's there.............. Either way both group were awesome. We had a great time. Love you all ~~Mitzi
...even if they are raccoons. When we were in Lake Tahoe on Friday evening we took Zach and Hunter over to the pool about 9:30 pm. While they were swimming we noticed thew two baby raccoons running around the stairs that leads to the pool. All I had with me was my phone, so they are the best pictures. If you look closely right in the center of this picture you can see the two of them. In the picture below the baby is running in front of the steps just left of the tree. This one is a little better, he is on the second step from the bottom. See how little he is. He wasn't very old. Love you all ~~Mitzi
Last weekend was bri & derek's wedding in Lake Tahoe. Mark put us up in a condo at the LakeLand Village resort which is where all the festivities took place. Friday night was a BBQ on the beach. It was beautiful! Saturday night was the wedding on the beach again. We did have a storm some in and made for some beautiful sunsets. Here are the pictures I took. Love you all ~~Mitzi Click here to view these pictures larger
My baby girl moved out this week. I’m so incredibly sad, I can’t even put it into words. Here is the aftermath of her moving. Her Dad told her that she doesn’t get her deposit back if she doesn’t clean up her room. Why do I think that’s not going to happen. hahahaha Even though she wasn’t home very much, there is such a feeling of loneliness I can’t even describe. OK I’ll stop wallowing in self-pity. Just think I get to go through this again in a week or so when Alex leaves. Wish me luck. Love you all ~Mitzi